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Showing posts from 2019
The plane is fast.. train is quick.. Trails to distant places and still.. . The car is cool.. smarter.. balloon.. Scooter.. meter reads on average..  Quadrant mind and cycling boats.. And fastest way of getting around..  Is mindful thoughts and some seconds.. Of this.. Little bit more and many things.. Of extra.. Here is my own wings of feet and..  Little bit more of only feel.. is.. Longest leap and longer still.. My child is so much wiser kid..  Poetry is genuine in coming once done.. it comes as gift to one who try .. easily when a link is missing.. it stays as an invisible emotional support.. but when lost.. it becomes an integral homelessness of a wise person... instead of a destination to an explorer.. (human mind really do speak.. of spiritualism..).. 
It seems as if.. The sun shines on this place.. Only.. the stars flickering .. Here is a tree..  On a distant hill.. top.. Towards the earthrise .. Through my back door.. A little bit slower.. Rhythmic song of .. Some creative seconds.. And many more.. the birds do.. Sing a beautiful song..  This time is so much accurate.. apt  as if doors and distinct start.. (dome and archs)  long and light as feathers afar..  longer than a longest path.... Rises towards the similar shore..  Standstill waves.. and beautiful core.. A cavity.. wall.. and staircase of.. This beautiful hillside.. And some ephemeral art.. My name is Bird.. of midnight March.