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Showing posts from July, 2017
"Vichaar - Vaad.." ( Argument ) Crampless thinking .. I did a shifting.. With Reference of moment.. Clerical combat and up to date marching.. In the mussels of brain and basin .. Two part three part .. genetically updated sapling  .. Quicker connected links and litter .. Goodmorning good day good God.. testing  .. I leap and latch for temporary welding.. Collateral real.. visible being ... And then to flourish splendour glowing.. Lightning in my selfless, happening .. Working powerful hot spot.. blinking.. I said it's ok.. it's talking.. My one and only internal wiring.. On its own it compile and coverage.. That's my real life character portraye.. It chill and chatters.. for fun ding foray.. Good God goodie.. goods and matching.. It do and don't my entertainment industry.. Forever grateful I am smaller entity.. Entirely simply marvellous routing.. I get along by it's remaining.. ringing.. And I don't complaining.. e...
अर्थ... घन घोर घटा ये सुहानी.. नील वर्ण सा गगन मगन है.. सूर्य किरणे भी केसरिया सारी.. एक ही वृक्ष की छांया में भींजे त्रिकाल संध्या व स्मृति के सेतु.. सर्प दंश सा तक्षक समय है... धीरे धीरे से बदलता हुआ ये.. हर एकान्तर ऋतु सा मन ही मंगल.. मंगल सी मुहरत .. है श्यामली सूरत.. श्यामल रंग सी सुन्दर धरती पर.. वर्षा की बूंदे गिरती  .. है.. यूँ जो.. मेरे ही भूत का भविष्य में कारन.. प्रत्यक्ष मेरे ही .. अंतर में .. जो रुका है .. तांडव.. गाज बीज .. सी गूँजे बिजलिया.. हिम खंड से कंपित हो .. उठती है.. भयभीत मन में.. काली गगन घोर घटा जो उमटती... मृदंग नाद नृत्य से जगत की.. चहु दिशाए सजी सजनिया..
The .. once for once .. it's a dream.. Comes as clocked in silk.. from  ..  ..east.. The first once for it is a horse with wings.. Then a cloud of flying things.. Further ahead of swarming bees.. My child's asleep.. where sky is clean.. The sound is slow and rhythmic tilt.. The brave and bold and colourful.. reel.. The real style of distinctive quilt.. Unique and neon, symbolic stick.. As reeling feel of curious kill... Straight and forthright.. upcoming film.. My one and only.. sure as steel.. My child is sleeping.. under a canopy aside... Some fewer rivers and seven seas .. An ocean of.. melody and mystical.. Field..
The squirrels song is very fine.. About the end of pain and price.. happiness around by morning light .. At jacktree mango fruit and fast.. Jerking prancing flying past.. A century stand still.. and different daft.. Awhile.. I walked in railway station.. And squirrel played some another note.. The lines and lyrics from passer by.. To coach and seat by window along.. As i moved on speeding through.. The denser canopy and greenly growth.. Flipped and blurred to advancing hues.. Mixed up with some colours anew .. Here and thereby.. panoramic views.. Of effective surrounding and thinning along.. Scenery of the evening sky.. Was worth a while of work for more.. Now is time as winter has gone.. The tracks then flyed.. outside of city.. On the road to next-generation t.v...
Came by again and again... Clutches by the draft.. And by the bed.. I rested and stayed.. Near by bonsai.. The plant of leaf and stems.. Green and lush.. Thickly overlay.. atop the.. Earth and plains.. from.. Farther away.. It swayed and hang on.. Softer breeze.. of a .. Medium evening sky.. And tropical feathery .. from.. North to east ..and backwards again.. A fairy tale from.. A distant land.. that.. Crooned a rhythm and lull of.. Changing space..
Once... I saw a shining star.. A little brilliant violet spark.. Breaking under a jacktree branch.. Shimmering cannopy .. shining mark.. Roots and twigs did floating around.. I hold the torch .. and looked on about.. The visible feasible jumping .. cart.. And squirrel played some another note.. I linger here a little bit long.. There i saw a descending star.. Then glided above the rivers and raft.. The oddest integer odd one apt.. Out then left for n*th one for.. Darted along the way through far.. June july and August is last.. All the crop and all of rate.. Did a little bit relife on end..
At the mid hours of day.. Clouds missted and the wind fell.. This quieter afternoon sky is black.. Some beautiful colours and Crystal apart.. The brilliant sun lit under afar.. Of black and both .. Silver dust and onyx remains to.. Ascending trail and further ahead... This place is alight from heaven above .. And still some other than .. Glamour of God.. I like to stray a little bit more.. The beautiful clouds by edgges along.. Is narrow walking lane .. Off the Road.. Towards the east then south .. Of north.. the fertile deltas.. Of symmetrical shores.. Ancient enriched glittery gold.. Does looks like opening up.. For sure.. some rays of light.. From earth till top.. and a vertical throw.. A walking talking interesting bob.. The squirrel sings a beautiful song.. (Exit of my soul..)