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Showing posts from August, 2017
This extension and a memory lock.. Pins and sockets.. wired roll.. Radio metered .. metering mode.. Frequently stationed.. ride on road.. I seek and settled down to toll.. My answering machine by risky troll.. Enduring ancient history clock.. Click and click on lions and horse.. Double click on links and cons.. Estimated assertions to viable cause.. Different sight and costing fault s.. As and when by writing pod.. Distinct lack of additional all.. Tip and tops to get back on call .. Safety hazards are farther along.. Three phase induction motor vehicle don't.. Died and gone to heaven alone..
From distance and distinction, Looks like thong... Strolling on the sea shore... It's a silver sock.. flinging by and rocks.. It rested on the cliff and cold.. Thicket bushes and cactus for.. Regular singular passengers of.. Mythical mirage off sands and song Singing signing shining thorn.. Torn and rubbled .. trail to coast.. Spirit in the moment of.. Soaring higher than the sun and stars.. Sailing towards the end.. by far.. Carried away .. through .. Magical march.. Train and airplane.. April start.. At present and then to ... Vision from source.. Is a glass of concave core.. The hour in the evening of.. Distinctive figures and numbers from.. First and last from dominoes.. Reading writing by the door.. Dull and very figures on shore.. Waving away from afar by gone.. Era of the talkie of.. Red and blues of brilliant zone..
This marks and match to.. Weathering bark To tick for instant forecast.. I say to do and dot the car.. And head to toe from remarks.. I rethink about and I am smart.. Smarter then the three piece plan.. I got four coins.. of copper cast.. One to side and other one fast.. Third one very accurate apt.. Last one I did fling in lark.. Darting for a good day task.. Quite impressive sun bask.. afternoon sky from afar.. I flip and roll.. Fling and see.. The headphone and the receiver.. To him.. I seen the cart .. On to bar.. Snatch it here. And. . grab to mart Went to fill.. with greenhouse grass.. By the door.. I got the jolt.. I forget again a list and bolt.. Hold the call.. and.. Seeing .. sure.. Mine is this detour..
More than light.. I seek to get a beginning time.. A timer of it's own accord.. A miracle and a distinctive style.. I seek and settled to weather line ... A foreign office and resulting strike .. As and when by Rocky ride.. More than much as thirty five.. Give and take of winding vise.. Gift of good and only lie.. Is a glass of very sight.. Similar to the passing slide.. Slightly coherent visible wise.. Orange orderly apple pie.. Twenty two and sixty nine.. Division and an accurate apt.. Serial number is twenty flask.. I seek to get a resulting colour.. Chemists lab is very clear.. Room to room and door to door.. Digital diary and a seer.. 
For my own to say.. A few words indeed.. To behold the truth.. and i don't sway.. I seek the reason for why and when.. Where to go and where to stand.. Start to stay.. statement foray .. Delicious delight of disturbed delays.. Distinct lack of distance display.. I look though good.. And better today.. A real difference of all days.. Double out of news and there.. Original topic.. of copper crates.. Gold and silver.. shocking again.. I seek to get a rotor to be.. Happy birthday party to date.. I have and boots on.. Recently portrayed.. I get a visitor quickly today.. I rethink about and I still to get.. A better price for better again.. ( the state of non inspiration is like thinking about about a sex worker.. and copyright issues )
Once upon a time.. I came to a stretch.. A land of plain .. grass .. woods and den.. I walked into a plateau.. Of.. some floating ends.. Gliding amidst the thickket bushes.. And forest.. feet and legs off descending T.. It chills and comes to.. A stand still.. The thoughts and query.. regular riffs.. The rise and fall of empire.. me.. Here and therefore distinctive feel.. The hour and memory of.. Mobile ring.. or similar source .. but. Many things.. it comes and goes.. to.. River and seas.. several times by threaded.. quilt.. The journey whereas.. tours and trip.. The central banks of rivers and springs.. Vanishing lines of footprints.. The mirage and maze of realization seen.. I seek  and settled to .. foggy night.. Days and years of lonely like.. Once again I see a light.. Coming towards from a tent in dark.. Standing still by levee .. line.. Shining under the moon and stars.. My dreams and destiny.. very far.. Grabbed under this clothing.. Fa...
Abstraction.. Do you want your part.. you want.. And better today or best of all.. U have a need for nothing of short ... A namely notion to be happy with more.. Similar to the correction score.. And better today or nothing more.. U need to do and risk of wrong.. It happens once in a while by twisting zone.. Off trunk and track of winding soul.. U want to do for my eternal core.. Stems and sleeves up by peril.. pure.. Placating oldest original odds .. . All of this to get and good the shot.. U want and wish to kill and call.. I want to get for something sure.. All the best and only fault.. Line to line or earth to pole .. I need to get a resulting right .. My own to say and only phase .. You wave a second for hours on end.. To kill the timer tick tick today.. I like to gain the neutral process.. Testing of the earthing chamber.. And battery life of tablets .. to get..
Memory... There is a light Of mystical slice.. That falls on today or tomorrow's .. drill.. The good and bad for nothing to be.. Original odds of cellular silk.. My one and only phase of feel.. I do for distinctive style and see.. The lights and shadows of.. Virtual hills.. At the end and beginning.. bends of this.. Shimmering grass and little trees.. I breathe and exhale.. for nothing to be.. The reasoning about a farming fields.. That stands and settled down to wheel.. A cyclone and a springy chill.. The nostalgia of a colour code disk.. And a sanctuary of a resulting reel.. It comes and goes as original deal.. Around about this earth and plains.. The brilliant life and beautiful friend .. Cheerful and a lively place..
Inspiration.. These drops and diamonds rests in eyes.. Beautiful dreams of early life.. Comes as anything else from river.. The spring and rocks as whenever .. sometimes.. I think and intend i may.. desire.. Get a thought that good and guide.. My difficult times and deleted slide.. The geometry of a sectional site.. During the space and entire world.. It looks and rocks my entrusted all .. This and that or nothing of sort.. Internal self and distinctive mode..
The night sky is a blackberry dark.. Looks like vastness with some beaded stars.. Shine and shimmer bluish sparks.. moon and stars of silver shafts.. A shadow across a light less span.. It looks like really magical start .. Moving around a pathway from.. The echo and reflection .. by thickket.. River bushes and trail to coast.. The jungle specific linguistic long.. It's beautiful breathing natural resource.. Magnetic frequency spectrum and.. The imaginary created through .. colourful and Crystals clear of all..
This is a confusion over that comes and goes.. To read and reckon the listless song.. And similar sound of squirrels throt.. The chisel and a toothpick for.. I sense and like to stray a lots.. Eat and meet the newest notes... This musical scenery and reflection of.. My own to do with according then.. See and feel of realization sold.. Whenever it's a greater goal.. The right and wrong of mystical zone.. Foggy forest and night of lone.. Lonely planet of selfless fault.. But i think and like to remain along.. Tag and tiff to critical cure.. Cheers and fear of basical both.. Serial number is twenty four..
Why do not you see.. Why don't you understand.. Oh.. i don't have any.. When you went on.. Why this wrong on reel.. Watermark and a slightest meal.. A dishwasher and a real life.. Why you go away and.. Come back on sea.. U want a way through.. Hanging hills.. Why u want her name to be.. Something sure if nothing to .. The giant holes and.. Reflective disk.. Rocking chairs.. and horsemen's heel.. My one and only.. why I did.. Saturday morning and a deal.. Why the stars are dull and down.. The moon and flowers silent .. Around. .. As birds and butterflies.. Humming sound.. .. Peace and Light to .. morning crawl.. Of snails and serene by Riverside.. And.. why the slightly different kind.. Is why it went to underground..
My own one night.. the once it was.. A beautiful breathtaking sail on coast.. Glittering sand and grainy shore.. Ocean of my dreams and drone.. The floor of coral and gemstones.. From earth to rooftop and some rocks.. It shone and sizzle through nightsky stretch .. as.. fewer stars and one moon is gone.. When I went on strolling along the way.. I rethink about and farther away.. The smell of earth and plains of .. My land.. homeless sea has many waves.. Thrashing here and nearby today.. Is greying Crystals and reflecting glass.. I sought a sight of simple flask.. 
Just today and tomorrow, surely uprising ultimate chore.. About every closet and cupboard.. Lasting forever keys and cobs.. Just today and tomorrow, I take the stroll.. To benefit more, by brisk and bole.. I look in book to, sequence and shot.. My tricky freaky Friday gone.. Arriving at the state of toss.. Secondary primary winding and core.. This and that for running electrons .. Static charge of electric zone.. Off and additional switch to door.. My one and only brilliant chrome.. Just today and tomorrow, I loan the wall.. And a pair of flip flops.. To stroll and stand by deeds and dose. Drying frying chips and chops.. forever yours is my precious comb..
On the terrace.. .. parapet at the old house.. And the bypass nearby .. Over a few yards from Backyard.. By the farm well after midnight.. Stars and hummers surrounding.. Silence speaks of coming time.. Beautiful meditation.. Colder wind and rustling leaves.. Neon flash of headlights on tar. .. Jet black roads of interior Gujarat.. Wordless weightless moments in past. .. Frozen beneath the beautiful path.. I sit and mulled of another exam.. Boring subjects of semester roll .. The lights then promise for great rewards.. Exam clears and vacation was.. At rest and relief by sketch and colours.. The other semesters went by easier.. .. College done and cage is gone.. Beautiful home and smaller wall.. Now dreams do come to fill the spot.. And vivid place of lifetime long.. Here and there by frenzy phone More and more of life light zone.. Steady breathing and oxygen of.. Setting fitting cutting cost..
Something slant (antibiotics)... Towards the dawn .. clouds disappeared and.. turned to droplets.. Resting on the canopy aside the river bank.. the grainy earth and stones are .. Then.. Densest foliage along the tree lines of.. A road towards the spring and summers.. Some longer days and brilliant colours.. Only if those were as similar.. Design according seasonal flavour.. The shortest period of creative seconds.. Seems like shorter still be whatever.. Passed on without anymore splendour.. I seek to translate and then to remember.. A creative procedure and a pattern.. Is a beautiful painting by a hanger.. To learn and read from blithely banter.. Serial number is odd one integer... Rational resulting right to gain.. A final factor is seven factorial..
सुंदर सपनो से सजा .. हर क्षन पल्को मे छुपा .. मेरे अनुभव से आत्म चिंतन तक.. किसी न किसी प्रहर में रहा.. इस मन का जर्जरित .. आवेदन.. और आरक्षित संरक्षण.. मेरे पद चिन्हों से जुड़ा.. हर दम .. प्रति क्षण.. इन दीवारों पे चला.. तुम्हारे मेरे प्रणय का चित्र.. है इस धरती सा गोला.. श्वाच्छोश्वाश सा धुआं.. खुले आसमान सा धुला..
मन - सा.. .. Mirage.. हर एक प्रति क्षण संघर्ष है जीवन.. दुनयवी माया का उपवन.. भ्रमर और पुष्प के प्रणय का दुर्गम.. मन है मेरा एक जिवंत मयूरन.. नृत्य करता और हर्षोनवित होता.. स्वयं ही स्वयं से कहता (करता) है कारन.. कार्य साधन और दृष्टि की खोज में.. दूर दिशाओ से करे आलिंगन.. निरंतर मेरे ही पर्याय और प्रेम का.. करे हमेशा परीक्षा ये धन.. ज्ञान ज्यां ज्योति और प्रेक्षा.. प्रेरित प्रयत्न में साध्य सा संगम.. मन के चित्तवन में नरतन करे.. जब .. जब जब सब में होता है तारण ..
Man - sa.. mirage.. ..Is a vision of present times.. a beautiful frame of.. colours and light.. A dream to come by .. spiritual might .. Variable shapes and shadow in sight... Never beyond the range of right.. I sense to sound of moonlit night.. The brilliance is some further fight.. Is variable through and air tight.. The sleepers bag and biscuit bite.. I like to be a happy kite.. In clear of bluish evening sky.. That floats to take a good day flight.. Around about some sixty knights.. Half a quarter of eighty feet... Some moments later on hangers height.. It looks like little bit more then mine..
WiNks.. Somewhere along the way.. The clicks disappeared and.. Clocks remained.. It tick ticked continuously.. And tricked me always. .. To rethink and reboot.. The boxes for say.. And flowery foray.. Of robotic arm.. System updates.. for.. Automatic chair.. and.. Constant array .. of.. Thoughtful gestures and.. Hypnotic environment and.. More of display..
Memory.. The rhythm is right.. Very slight.. A thinnest line.. about light.. I like a balance and lullabies tonight.. Lossless line by Riverside.. A butterflies swarm and coastal site.. This world is very tricksy tile.. Rolls and rotates by axial height.. Visible throughout universal sight.. Doom and dome of beginning bite.. Like a local attraction for.. Nothing to do or nothing to write..
फूलों के कुञ्ज में गिलहरी .. नाचे.. डाली डाली पे भँवरा गूंजे.. मधुर महकती शाम का.. सलोना.. सुन्दर सपनो से सजा है ऐसे.. जैसे जीवन का किनारा मिलके.. लहरों से करता है बातें वो ऐसे.. तुम्ही फिर कहो तो नाव भी डोले.. मन मंदिर की मूर्ति बोले.. कुहू कहहु करती कोयलिया.. सतरंगी चित्तवन की तरंगे सारी.. धीरेसे दिल की दीवारों से सरके.. ये सुनहरे सितारों से जड़ी हुई जो.. चुनरिया धरती पर झुके तो फिर .. भी.. स्वर्णिम समय की साक्षी बनके.. रूकती है .. घड़ियां ये (सब) गिनते गिनते..
I sent a sincere densely note.. Nothing alike a tick tick slot.. I have and seen this anon.. and so.. Alright original values and cost.. Used and settled down to more.. I seek and it's a golden boat.. My one and only writing pod.. With pen and paper of its own accord.. I pack and parallel to edge by fold.. Pleated threaded to manyfold.. Interest rate of ranting rock.. Flying flipping then fastest road.. I do get along by a good one day.. Search for along this detour.. by.. Quite an impressive serious black.. It looks like it is a rattle snake..
Sometimes I do think of dunes.. A memory by the drifting woods.. A colourful sky with listless noon.. It waved and reflected silver .. full.. Saffron shimmer and bluish moon.. I seek and listen to basic tunes.. My own to do and own to call.. Deeds to see and wings to fall.. Summer and winters of latest zone.. Some beautiful colours and Crystal all.. Clearly seen and sought by some.. Other one half and whole of done.. A single line from writing pod.. Very slight and brilliant bronze.. The spectacular vision and systematic song.. Again and again i try to don.. Happiest afternoon and gale from river.. Is side by side to sideways queer.. Ethereal host and admiring seer..
I am saying that.. You better give upon and go.. better get along the road.. Better let go and fall.. In love with some.. Going around and tall ... One beautiful friend is all.. To be happier with you.. And search on and on.. I hope you have a day.. Get a wonderful time to.. say.. To Spend some moments of lights.. Yet some more then less.. Is a beautiful glass by stand.. You do not hesitate to.. work.. Day or night for good .. And see.. to be able and.. understand.. To be here and now.. And always there.. Is a past participle of present tense... My own to do and own to .. pay..